Saturday, January 4, 2014

Kuli‘ou‘ou Ridge Trail

View of Rabbit Island from Summit - Kuli‘ou‘ou Ridge Trail
11mm @ f/22, ISO 2000
The Kuli‘ou‘ou Ridge Trail is no "walk in the park" when you've been rather sedentary in the year following breaking your tibial plateau, let me tell you. Major props to my trailmates today, who kept me from feeling like a lamer every time I had to stop because of my knee. Thanks guys!

The views are worth it. Worth every last stair. Every. One. (See all photos here.)

It was a pretty clear day for us, so we could see out to Maui, and clearly see Rabbit Island, Koko Head, and the back of Diamond Head from just below and on the summit. We've been getting a bit of rain the past couple months, so all of the mentioned mountains and craters were covered in lush greenery, a treat for this time of year.

Moss - Kuli‘ou‘ou Ridge Trail
16mm @ f/2.8, ISO 2000
This is my favorite shot of the day, despite the wicked island views. It reminds me how nature is a constant creator and destroyer, and that endless scenes of beauty are always on display at every stage of this cycle.

We are all stuck in the endless cycle of creation and destruction. How can we choose to make it beautiful?

Tomorrow will be spent with family, going out to see my grandmother and mother. Fun!

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